
What - We Classify Youtube Videos

I'm a software engineer & have been toying around with deep ML models for quite some time. I've figured out a way to classify full youtube videos according to Google's own topics as seen here & have had a break-through cost reduction to the point that right now we're keeping it free for limited amounts of videos because why the hell not?


| Video | Classification |

| YSoJPA8-oHc | {["/Arts & Entertainment/Humor"]} |

Want to try it out? Email me at jacob@jacobkranz.com and I'll follow-up with you to get you access.

Why - Brand Safety & Maximizing Video ROI

In advertising, it's incredibly important to know that the video you're showing ads to are relevant to your campaign. As an example, a toy company selling toy firetrucks might have a topic of Shopping > Toys > Die-cast & Toy Vehicles but videos may be displayed not just to kids but also adults viewing the nightly news and they'll be seeing your video right after the news talked about a recall of other toy firetrucks. Obviously this ad now has a negative ROI to the viewer (especially the parent seeing it) because your video is attached to a news clip about toy firetrucks having a recall.

By classifying videos that your ads are playing on, especially ads that are being hit a lot, you're then able to have finer-grain control of which topics to exclude from your existing & future campaigns.

How - Usage


The useage is very straight-forward: email me & I'll reach out to you to understand your use case and just overall meet you to start that direct line of communication in case you need anything. From there I'll also give you a token to use against the system so that I know who you are. This way both bots don't destroy me while also being able to have a direct line of communication so that I can understand if there are other features that you may need or want to have.

The api is simple:

Method: GET

Headers: dispio_token -> token provided to you by myself

Payload: {}

Endpoint: https://api.dispio.com/classify/{video_id}

The response has two parts: status and results returned in JSON. The status is an enum with values of:

  1. queued

  2. processing

  3. done

  4. error

The results section is a JSON array of Google's own categories.

Example response: {"status": "done", "results":["/Arts & Entertainment/Humor"]} or {"status": "queued", "results":[]}

API Rate Limiting

I'm running this off some of my own personal servers that I've converted for this task so I'm keeping a very strict rate limit on this service. The rate limit is 5 videos processed per hour. If you need more, I'm happy to talk about potentially doing a paid plan (should be just a few cents per video depending on length) but I'd have to actually put online more servers and that'll cost money so obviously I'd need to pass it off.


If you really need this, I'm more than happy to build it out a little bit but it'll be probably not be well-designed since I'm a backend engineer / data scientist. To be upfront, this'll probably require multiple paid accounts since I do have a full-time job first and foremost.